Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Hello! I am the lumberjackninja, the rural atheist. I've been lurking around blogspot for a while (mostly reading and enjoying Possummomma's blog).

A few quick things about me: I live in Montana, the Best Damned State in the Union (tm), and currently attend Montana State University for physics. I pay rent as a mercenary programmer, weaving together expressions to do beautiful and amazing things.

My interests include all the real natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology, geology...). I guess the soft science are interesting too, even though I take strong issue with how they go about applying the scientific process; I guess I can cut some slack because psychology and sociology et al. are still relatively young sciences.

I enjoy thinking about survivalism, and I like to build things. Electronic things mostly, but mechanics are beginning to interest me as well. I've also been occasionally known to have Fun with Chemistry.

I started this blog because I noticed a dark spot on the spectrum that ranges from rabid fundamentalist to ridiculously liberal atheist/agnostic; that spot sits on the part that would represents an independent, masculine, libertarian atheist such as myself. Oh, and don't forget devilishly handsome.

I hope to address this unfortunate situation by blogging about my experiences in what one could call a unique spiritual, cultural, and epistemological position.

That's enough for now... more later!

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